Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Cute Baby

This is a Panda pup. Its interesting how we always find babies so endearing - a Basic Instinct I guess to want to nurture and protect our own young which flows out to all other young and defenceless babies. Which then left me wondering how the hell it is that the grossly over rated nicole kidman, after all the hoo ha about adoption and wanting a baby, having finally got one of her own - from Keith Urban, a fellow Kiwi by the way who comes from my home town - is now saying she cant wait to get back to work? As if she needed to ! What a vacuous empty waste of space that woman is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more about NK - just as overrated (in our humble opinion) as Cate Blanchet, who has been lauded in the media as being a super-mum who returned to work virtually the day after her latest baby was born. We hear Nicole has bough a home in the Highlands( near Sutton Forest). We are so excited!