Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On the Money

Readers, this is where I labour to bring you the gems I dig up out of the news and out of the confused recesses of my brain. I struggle to get one or two posts a week but if you watched TV last night - in Australia anyway, you would see that I can be Right On the Money !! Last nights "4 Corners" on ABC TV was about Firepower and the conman Tim Johnston. I think they took the script for their programme from my Blog Post - watch the Programme or read more about it by clicking here :http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/default.htm. You will see a perfect example of how feelings lead people astray - as I was trying to explain in my post about the Firing Squad - something Johnston obviously understands only too well, for so long being able to make people feel everything was OK even though their own THINKING had made them suspect otherwise. Greed was the motive he appealed to - see how that poor chap smiled when he remembered how the shares he paid next to nothing for were going to list on the London Exchange for at least 1 Pound, maybe up to 6 Pounds.....
As for World Youth Day, I was going to comment on the morons who think that God was responsible for the weather being so good - that reminded me of a woman I remember who Praised God once for providing her with a carparking space right outside the shop she wanted to go to - if God controls the weather then why the bloody Tsunami that killed so many? But I was really disgusted by the way Cardinal Pell and Co responded to the apalling child sexual abuse scandal that makes that whole Church smell so badly - why on earth could not the Pope have given up a little time to really and truly meet and speak with that man whose two daughters were RAPED by a priest - the Pope had time for a snake and an echidna brought over specially for him to pet from the Zoo, but not for this poor grieving father?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"the morons who think that God was responsible for the weather being so good"
Haha that made me laugh, Dad. There's still quite a few pilgrims hanging around the place.